Virtual Best of Fest List – Palm Springs International ShortFest 2023

July 7-13, 2023
The Palm Springs International Shortfest announces its 2023 Virtual Best of Fest List, including two French shorts.
Burial of Life as a Young Girl (2022) – Maïté Sonnet – France WINNER – Best LGBTQ+ Short
Recovering from a break-up, Axelle has to go to her sister’s bachelorette party in a ghostly spa in the mountains. Fortunately, among the guests, there is Marguerite. Through one gaze, love is awakened again.
Meantime (2022) – Guillaume Scaillet – France Special Mention for Performance: Raphaël Quenard (Midnight Shorts)
While waiting for his girlfriend to join him in the calm and quiet countryside, city dweller Marc gradually falls prey to the assault of sounds not usually heard.
For more information, click here!