Retour sur Terre: Dominique Bourg

A photograph of Dominique Bourg
University of Wisconsin-Madison
618 Van Hise Hall
1220 Linden Dr
Madison, US 53706
December 06, 2021 | 2pm
Join Dominique Bourg, an honorary professor at the University of Laussane, a philosophy specialist on environmental questions that concern the world today.
His area of research notably includes the ethics of sustainable development. His previous work includes his contributions to the commission Coppens which created a notable environmental chart. His publications include: Une nouvelle Terre. Pour une autre relation au monde (Desclée De Brouwer, 2018) et Le Marché contre l’humanité (PUF, 2019), and his most recent book Retour sur Terre : 35 propositions (PUF, 2020).
The conference will take place in French with a subtitled version in English available afterward on Youtube.