An Evening With Pierre Bensusan from Paris presenting AZWAN

Pierre Bensusan
Don’t miss fingerstyle guitar master Pierre Besusan’s performance at DROM in NYC on November 6 at 6pm!
His “manner” of playing defies classification – crossing world, classical, jazz, traditional, folk, pop and more. None can be isolated as simply “World Music”, “Celtic”, “Arabic” or “French”; rather, they represent Pierre’s genuine vocabulary and the best part of our world in its current state, a world sharing itself. Not to be missed!
Masters Music Outreach and Stage B are proud to present from Paris, France, An Evening with Pierre Bensusan presenting his new album “Azwan”. Described by the L.A. Times as “one of the most unique and brilliant acoustic guitar veterans in the world music scene today”. Pierre’s name became synonymous with contemporary acoustic guitar genius, long before the terms New Age or World Music were invented.