Registration Now Open For CinéSchool 2022-2023
Film & TV

Le Tableau - credit Gkids
By Nathalie Charles, Program Manager, CinéSchool
CinéSchool is a film program for young audiences produced by Villa Albertine, the French Embassy, and FACE Foundation. The program aims to promote French and French-speaking cinema to schools across the US, and is open to French teachers.
With free screenings adapted for various age groups—from elementary school to high school—CinéSchool seeks to offer young people of all backgrounds the opportunity to see curated French content.
Whether they study French as part of a dual-language program, learn French as a foreign language, or pursue French as their heritage language, CinéSchool aims to provide diverse cultural content to students. The program is designed to engage children and teens in ways that complement and enhance their French language education in the US.
All the films will be available on the movie streaming platform FestivalScope on the dates listed in the brochure (visionnage en ligne) or on this page (in English). The online screenings take place on weekends, allowing students to watch the films at home on a tablet or computer.
As there is a limited number of views per screening, please register here.
Contact: Nathalie Charles, Program Manager, nathalie.charles@villa-albertine.org
Learn moreIn partnership with

Cultural Services of the French Embassy
The Cultural Services of the French Embassy, alongside Villa Albertine, promotes the best of French arts, literature, cinema, digital innovation, language, and higher education across the US. Based in New York City, Washington D.C., and eight other cities across the country, the Cultural Services brings artists, authors, intellectuals, and innovators to cities nationwide. It also builds partnerships between French and American artists, institutions and universities on both sides of the Atlantic. In New York, through its bookshop Albertine, it fosters French-American exchange around literature and the arts.

FACE Foundation
FACE Foundation is an American nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting French-American relations through innovative cultural and educational projects. In partnership with the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States, FACE Foundation promotes artistic, literary, and educational exchange and collaboration between creative professionals from both countries. With additional corporate, foundation, and individual support, FACE Foundation administers grant programs in the performing and visual arts, cinema, translation, and secondary and higher education, while providing financial sponsorship to French-American festivals and other cultural initiatives. FACE Foundation focuses on new and recent work of living artists and the promotion of bilingualism and the French language.

Institut français
The Institut français is responsible for France’s international cultural program. Supervised by both the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and by the Ministry of Culture, it promotes French culture abroad through cultural exchange initiatives. Operating in a space where the arts, intellectual exchange, cultural and social innovation, and linguistic partnerships interact and intersect, it is also responsible for promoting the French language and the sharing of works, artists, and ideas all over the world. The Institut français is one of Villa Albertine’s main French partners.

America’s first and only 24/7 French language kid’s network, TiVi5MONDE offers a variety of cartoons, educational shows, animation, and teen series. Whether a native speaker or a language learner, TiVI5MONDE is the ideal destination for children and tweens ages 0-12.

Sling TV
Sling TV is the first app-based TV service letting you stream live television and on-demand content over the internet. Watch live shows wherever you are, at home or on the go! With Sling TV, you get to choose the television option that’s right for you, including Channel Add-ons, Premiums Add-ons, DVR Plus and more.

Coordination nationale des Alliances Françaises aux États-Unis
The Coordination nationale des Alliances Françaises aux États-Unis is in charge of animating, following and supporting the Alliance Française’s network in the United States. It also provides in collaboration with the Federation AF USA training as well as educational and cultural events.