Truffaut’s Jules and Jim at Vidiots

Jules and Jim by François Truffaut
Discover or re-discover Jules and Jim, François Truffaut’s legendary love triangle starring Jeanne Moreau, on July 6.
Truffaut throuples up with the luminous and eternally cool Jeanne Moreau in an unconventional storyline underpinned by his unconventional and breezy style in this masterpiece of French New Wave Cinema. Two unlikely friends meet in pre-WWI Europe and both become transfixed by a free-spirited beauty who flits back and forth between the two of them, even as the war rages and the men fight on either sides of the conflict. Romantic, lovely, and easy-going, it’s time to fall in love with this French beauty all over again! DCP, France, 1962, Drama/Romance, 106 mins, in French and German with English subtitles.
For more information and to buy tickets, please click here!