Return to Reason: Four Films by Man Ray at Vidiots

Return to Reason: Four Films by Man Ray
Return To Reason celebrates the centenary of Man Ray’s cinematographic work, revealing unprecedented dialogue between two multidisciplinary artists and featuring visual music that touches audiences with its modernity and poetry.
In 1923, Man Ray improvised his first film, a resolutely surrealist work entitled Le Retour à la raison (The Return to Reason). He would later repeat the experience with Emak Bakia in 1926, L’Étoile de mer in 1928, and Les Mystères du château in 1929.
In 2023, Jim Jarmush and Carter Logan, the founders of the Sqürl music group, composed the soundtracks for these four films as if they were one. 2024, 70 min., Digital, Janus Films
Director: Man Ray
Cast: André de la Rivière, Jacques Rigaut, Jacques-André Boiffard, Kiki of Montparnasse, and Robert Desnos