The Neo-Liberal City: A Conversation With Gilles Pinson and Neil Brenner

Gilles Pinson
University of Chicago
5801 S Ellis Ave
Chicago, US 60637
November 15, 2021 | 12pm (EST) 11am (CDT)
The concept of the neoliberal city has become a key structuring analytical framework in the field of urban studies. It explains both the ongoing transformation of urban policies and the socio-spatial effects of these policies within cities and highlights the prominent role of cities in the new geography of capitalism.
Gilles Pinson is a Professor of Political Science at Sciences Po, Bordeaux, and a researcher at the Centre Émile Durkheim. He is a leader at Forum Urbain, a research center on town and urban policies. His La Ville néolibérale (PUF) was published in 2020.
Neil Brenner is a critical urban theorist, sociologist, and geographer whose research explores diverse aspects of cities and urbanization under modern capitalism. His writing and teaching focus on the theoretical, conceptual, and methodological dimensions of urban questions, and on the challenges of reinventing the field of urban studies in relation to the crises, contradictions, and struggles of our time.
This event is co-sponsored by the France Chicago Center and the Urban Theory Lab of the University of Chicago.
Bridges to the Future: 100 Years of French Thought
This conversation is part of the series “Bridges to the Future: 100 Years of French Thought” celebrating today’s bright thinkers who have been published by the Presses Universitaires de France. All events take place online and in collaboration with outstanding American universities.