Jacques Tati’s PlayTime at Vidiots

PlayTime by Jacques Tati
Join Monsieur Hulot in Paris in this breathtaking comedy masterpiece.
“A film that comes from another planet, where they make films differently.” So sayeth legendary French auteur Francois Truffaut about PlayTime, a movie that looks and feels like nothing else you’ve ever seen before. Director Jacques Tati spent a small fortune constructing an artificial city to shoot in (the set was big enough to require its own power plant!), all for a surreal comedy about a lonely Everyman (Tati himself) wandering around a bizarre, modernist metropolis he can’t quite comprehend. You’ll want to see this on the big screen so you can take in every detail of Tati’s unforgettable masterpiece, one of the greatest movies ever made about the absurdity of modern life.
Director: Jacques Tati
Screenwriters: Jacques Tati, Jacques Lagrange, Art Buchwald
With: Barbara Dennek, France Delahalle, France Rumilly, Jacques Tati, Rita Maiden