- Architecture
The Garden Metropolis Exhibition, 2022 @Ivan Mathie
Illinois Institute of Technology
Crown Hall
3360 S State St
Chicago, IL, 60616
November 1, 2023 5-6pm
Join Susanne Eliasson and Anthony Jammes, urban developement architects & founders of GRAU agency, for a one-hour lecture on the blooming of garden cities.
What is a “Garden Metropolis” ? Referring to neither the centre nor the periphery, the term refers to urban growth that has mainly occured in the 20th century as a direct extension of major urban centers. Architects Eliasson and Jammes, following their 2022’s Villa Albertine’s residency in Chicago, will adress the diversity or Chicago’s urban grid, as to reveal alternative visions of the metropolitan identity. See the article published on Villa Albertine Magazine: Chicago: an Impossible Transformation?
This talk will echoe with GRAU’s previous exhibition on the Garden Metropolis (or the “Métropole Jardin”, in French) at arc enrêve, a center for architecture located in Bordeaux, France. The exhibition explored the concept of Garden Metropolis in four cities: Bordeaux, Phoenix, Brussels and Chicago—very different cities that nevertheless have points and concerns in common. Exposing new urban collective organizations as well as the challenges faced by society in their making, Eliasson and Jammes will question the notions of “collective meaning” in cities.
Susanne and Anthony’s work embodies a strong focus on the notion of housing as “both intimate and connected, encompassing a range of issues, both large and small”. Graduates of the Ecole Supérieure d’Architecture of Versailles, they have worked on projects such as the Greater Paris study or the new Chapelle Internationale district, until the foudation of GRAU, their agency (2010). Since then, GRAU (Good Reasons to Afford Urbanism) has conducted a number of urban renewal studies on residential areas from the 1950, 1960s and 1970s, and various research on the potential of garden cities.
The College of Architecture at Illinois Institute of Technology
The College of Architecture at Illinois Institute of Technology builds on a legacy of disciplined experimentation in materials and technologies to educate and inspire the next generation of architects and landscape architects. From its landmark campus and home at S. R. Crown Hall, IIT Architecture champions an interdisciplinary approach to education and research that is simultaneously local and global in its impact.IIT Architecture students are educated to address complex, contemporary challenges of designing and constructing across all scales. Both faculty and students enjoy a longstanding relationship with professional practice in Chicago, a city with a vibrant history of innovation in architecture, design, landscape architecture, and urbanism.
Chicago Architecture Biennial
The Chicago Architecture Biennial (CAB) is dedicated to creating an international forum on architecture and urbanism. It produces year-round programs and a biennial exposition of city-wide activations for a diverse audience of designers, educators, advocates, and students. CAB’s mission is to engage and inspire professional and public audiences, highlight the transformative power of architecture and envision a future for the field that is equitable and sustainable.
arc en rêve
arc en rêve centre d’architecture was founded in Bordeaux in 1981. Its mission is to stimulate cultural awareness in the fields of architecture, urban planning and landscaping. The centre’s mission has both widely international and local components, structured around exhibitions, conferences, workshops and experimental activities designed to foster creative initiative, encourage critical thinking, and broaden perspectives of our changing world.