Delphine Seyrig, More Than a Muse

Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles by Agnès Varda
Doc Films - University of Chicago
Max Palevsky Cinema -Ida Noyes Hall
1212 East 59th Street
Chicago, US 60637
March 22 - May 17, 2023
This series at Doc Films attempts to celebrate and bring to light one of the most mesmerizing presences in European art-house cinema, Delphine Seyrig!
Delphine Seyrig was a favorite of visionary directors such as Chantal Akerman, Resnais, Truffaut, and Buñuel, bringing an air of ethereal mystery to her minutely detailed performances. Yet Seyrig bucked against the muse role that the era’s filmmaking offered her: her penchant for working with women auteurs was an extension of her feminist politics, which she also expressed in her often-overlooked directorial work, including the revealing documentary Be Pretty and Shut Up!, about the experiences of actresses working in a sexist, male-dominated film industry. Her contributions, both on and off screen, are invaluable.
In partnership with

France Chicago Center
The France Chicago Center (FCC) is a University of Chicago-based interdisciplinary organization with a two-fold mission of: (1) facilitating, promoting, and fostering stronger ties between University of Chicago students and researchers and their colleagues in France, and (2) increasing awareness within the University of Chicago community of French culture, art, and thought. To this end, FCC sponsors a range of programs including conferences, workshops, public lectures, visiting professors, fellowships, travel grants & fellowships, exchange programs and various cultural, scientific, and outreach activities.