Our Shared Sea – Coastal Archaeological Heritage in the Caribbean Basin

Image courtesy of the Deering Estate
From June 14 – 15, join us for a two-day scientific and professional development symposium on cultural resource management.
This special event, hosted by the Deering Estate, in partnership with the Cultural Services of the Consulate General of France in Miami and Villa Albertine, addresses the threat posed by climate change to coastal archaeological sites worldwide, and highlights the urgent need for new strategies in public archaeology and cultural resource management.
A number of researchers and scientists, including from France, will address universal issues in their own research and communities. Together, they will explore how coastal sites are essential to understanding human history and are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, including rising sea-levels, variability in ocean wave heights, and changing weather patterns.
French Panelists:
- Frederic Leroy, Chief Curator of Heritage and Deputy Director of the Department of Underwater Archaeological Research
- Benoit Berard, Professor at the Université des Antilles, Director of EA 929 AIHP/GEODE
- Marie Yvane Daire, CNRS Research Director
- Dominique Rogers, Lecturer in Modern History at the Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (AIHP-GEODE laboratory)
- Morgane Blanot, PhD student in Underwater and Pre-Columbian Coastal Geoarchaeology
The symposium is free and open to the public. This event is made possible in part with the support of the France Florida Foundation for the Arts.
You can attend in person or virtually: