2022 Africa Dance Biennial

Affiche Biennale de la danse en Afrique
November 22th - November 27th, 2021
From November 22 to 27, the Biennial of Dance in Africa takes place in the city of Marrakech for the 15th edition of the International Festival of Contemporary Dance “On Marche.” The Biennial combines a focus on emerging choreographers and the presentation of pieces by renowned choreographers, all representing different countries of the African continent.
After two postponements, the Biennial is now ready to welcome and share with its audience a program that reflects the creative dynamics of dance on the African continent.
For 6 days, Marrakech will live to the rhythm of a rich program of master classes, conferences, film screenings on the history of African dance and choreographic performances.
The biennial will be held in person and only part of the program will be online on the Afropolis platform.
It features works by:
Fatou Cisse (Sénégal), Performance D I
Amala Dianor, Naomi Fall, Ladji Koné & Alioune Diagne (Sénégal, Burkina Faso, Mali), Siguifin I
Gaby Saranouffi (Madagascar), #Moi I
Qudus Onikeku (Nigéria), Spirit Child I
Héla Fattoumi et Éric Lamoureux (France, Tunisie, Maroc, Burkina Faso), Akzak I
Meryem Jazouli (Maroc), Folkah I
Taoufiq Izeddiou (Maroc), Botéro en Orient I
Khalid Benghrib (Maroc), L’haal I
Youness Atbane (Maroc), Untitled 14 km
The focus on emerging choreographers features:
Agathe Djokam (Cameroun), À qui le tour
Bibata Ibrahim Maiga (Mali), Esprit bavard
Kevin Charlemagne Kabore (Burkina Faso), Corps en mutation
Chourouk Al Mahati, Moad Haddadi et Mohamed Lamqayssi (Maroc), Jour J
Cie La Mer Noire (Sénégal), Lowela
Esther Essien (Nigéria), Just me
Gwen Rakotovao (Madagascar), Fitiavana
Hamdi Dridi (Tunisie), I listen (you) see
Jeannot Kumbonyeki (République démocratique du Congo), Danse de la rue 19
Manal Tass (Maroc), Koboul
Marcel Gbeffa & Sarah Trouche (Bénin), Dide
Mugisha Frank (Uganda/Rwanda), Royalty
Nagham Salah (Égypte/Soudan), Rejection
Roger Sarr (Sénégal), Au-delà d’une apparence
Cie Tché-Za (Comores), L’expat
Salma Salem (Égypte), Anchoring
Souleymane Ladji Kone (Burkina Faso), Ambidextre
Thabo Kobeli (Afrique du Sud), In-between
Westsyde lifestyle (Nigéria), West kulture
Zora Snake (Cameroun), Le départ
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Institut français
The Institut français is responsible for France’s international cultural program. Supervised by both the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and by the Ministry of Culture, it promotes French culture abroad through cultural exchange initiatives. Operating in a space where the arts, intellectual exchange, cultural and social innovation, and linguistic partnerships interact and intersect, it is also responsible for promoting the French language and the sharing of works, artists, and ideas all over the world. The Institut français is one of Villa Albertine’s main French partners.