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The African Diaspora International Film Festival: Black History Month Film Series


Fighting for Respect: African-American Soldiers in WWI

February 18 to 21


The African Diaspora International Film Festival (ADIFF) – in collaboration with the Office of Diversity and Community Affairs at Teachers College, Colombia university – hosts The Blaks History Month Film Series, a selection of films celebrating Black History from around the world.

Black History Month highlights include four french movies. The Afro-Latino History Program will show Sons of Benkos by Lucas Silva (France/Colombia), an entertaining documentary that explores the African culture of Colombia through music; and The Esmeralda’s Beach (Ecuador/France) by Patrice Raynal, a documentary that sets out to expose the invisibility of Afro-Ecuadorians and rectify the narrative of the country’s history.

You will also discover Fighting for Respect: African American Soldiers in WWI by Joanne Burke (USA), a documentary that captures the plight of African American soldiers who fought in WWI, receiving the Croix de Guerre military decoration from France, while still fighting discrimination and hatred at home in America.

And Sneak Preview: Sankara’s Orphans, the story of this utopia of Red Africa, the epic memories of these children, are mixed with archive images sometimes reddened by the sand, the heat and the wind, sometimes faded, almost fading away, giving us a glimpse of the reminiscences of their revolutionary youth.

Discover more anbout the program here!

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