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Explore French Press, Ohio State University’s Literary Series


Ohio State University

By Villa Albertine - Chicago

Listen to Ohio’s State University’s French literary series, French Press.

In 2022, Ohio State University launched a new Youtube channel, French Press. Presented by Associate Professor of French and author Benjamin Hoffmann, this series addresses French literary news and invites authors and philosophers to present their latest works in French (with English subtitles).

Spring 2024

Olivier Liron presents La Stratégie de la sardine

Nicolas Chemla presents L’abîme

Bruno Perreau presents Sphères d’injustice

Constance Debré presents Offenses


Winter 2024

Marina Van Zuylen presents Eloge des vertus minuscules

Virginie Poitrasson presents Tantôt, tantôt, tantôt

Clément Bénech presents Un vrai dépaysement

Laure Coromines presents Miss Atomic

French Press presents printemps 2024


Fall 2023

Patrick Autréaux presents La Sainte de la famille 

Mohamed Mbougar Sarr presents La Plus secrète mémoire des hommes (lauréat du Prix Goncourt, 2021)

François-Henri Désérable presents L’Usure d’un monde

Dr. Jennifer Tamas presents Au NON des femmes : Libérer nos classiques du regard masculin

David Rochefort presents Ce pays secret


Spring 2023

Dr. Benjamin Hoffmann presents French Presse (Printemps 2023)

Shumona Sinha presents L’Autre nom du bonheur était français 

P. E. Cayral presents Au départ nous étions quatre

Dr. Abdourahaman Waberi presents Dis-moi pour qui j’existe

Harry Roselmack  presents Nouvelles d’après 20h

Dr. Maboula Soumahoro presents Le Triangle et l’Hexagone

Pauline Delabroy-Allard  presents Qui sait

Ludovic Manchette & Christian Niemiec present America[s]


Fall 2022

Dr. Benjamin Hoffmann presents French Press (2022)

Dr. Linda Gil presents Vie de Voltaire

Dr. Philippe Vilain presents La Malédiction de la Madone

Dr. Nicolas Idier presents Dans la tanière du tigre

Prof. Alain Mabanckou presents Noirs en France

Prof. Alain Mabanckou presents Rumeurs d’Amérique 

Dr. David Berliner presents Devenir autre

Étienne Kern presents Les Envolés

Dr. Sophie Galabru présents Le visage de nos colères 


This series is organized and supported by the Center of Excellence  at Ohio State University. The Centers of Excellence represent a support network for the Embassy of France, our closest partners enabling us to share experience, reflect upon the influence of French on US campuses, and develop transatlantic relationships between universities.

In partnership with

Center of Excellence – The Ohio State University

In December 2020, the Department of French and Italian at Ohio State University was selected by the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States to join its prestigious network of Centers of Excellence. Housed at 22 major research universities in the US, Centers of Excellence receive yearly financial support and project-based support. The Center for Excellence at Ohio State aims to promote French and Francophone Literature and Culture in the Midwest. The Center’s main focus is the Jules Verne Writing Residency. The Residency provides a space of creation and reflection to a Francophone writer who works on a literary project during their time at OSU.


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