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Webinar: Villa Albertine Craft and Design Residencies Call for Applications


Camille Walala Industry City

November 6, 2022 | 6pm (France)


The call for applications for Villa Albertine’s Design and Crafts residencies in Brooklyn will be open from November 22, 2022 until February 1st, 2023! If you wish to know more, register for our webinar (in French) on November 28.

In partnership with WantedDesign and with the support of the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation, Villa Albertine invites two professional creators from the French scene, one from the fine crafts and the other from the design sector, to discover the New York creative scene to nourish a renewed reflection of their practice. 

The application details will be available on the Villa Albertine’s website on November 22, 2022.

How to submit a good project to the Villa Albertine? Register here for our webinar (in French) on December 6 at 6pm ET (France), and ask your questions in advance.

In partnership with

Bettencourt Schueller Foundation

Bettencourt Schueller Foundation strives to embody the will of a family, driven by the spirit of enterprise and awareness of its social role, to reveal talents and help them thrive, in three fields that contribute concretely to the common good: life sciences, the arts and solidarity. Both a family foundation and recognized as a public utility since its creation in 1987, the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation intends to give wings to talent to contribute to the success and influence of France.

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Founded in 2011, WantedDesign is a platform dedicated to promoting design and fostering the creative community in the United States and internationally through events, discussions, and partnerships. It organizes the WantedDesign Manhattan show every year, in the heart of New York Design Week alongside the ICFF fair.  WantedDesign has been hosted since 2014 by Industry City. They have partnered to launch a new design residency program in the heart of what has become New York’s most creative, dynamic, and diverse design hub. With guidance from the WantedDesign team and the creation of a workspace on Industry City’s campus, the Industry City + WantedDesign international residency program offers international residents a chance to immerse themselves in this creative community to build their network, get inspired by New York City, and nurture and prepare new projects.

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