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Signature of Memorandum of Understanding between Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture in Marseille and the Georgia Tech College of Design in Atlanta

Ellen Bassett, Dean of the College of Design at Georgia Tech & Hélène Corset Maillard, Director of ENSAM

Institut méditerranéen de la Ville et du Territoire
2 place Jules Guesde
Marseille, 13003

March 26, 2024

On March 26, 2024, the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Marseille signed a cooperation agreement with the College of Design at the Georgia Institute of Technology to promote exchanges and innovative teaching methods. This partnership opens the way to new opportunities for students, teachers and researchers from both institutions.

Ellen Bassett, Dean of the College of Design at Georgia Tech (Atlanta), visited Marseille on March 25-26, accompanied by Jessica Huaracayo, Consul General of the United States of America in Marseille. Her visit was aimed at exploring the prospects for cooperation between Georgia Tech and ENSA-Marseille. Following the signature of the memorandum of understanding, several opportunities are being considered, such as a summer schools, teaching and research missions, workshops, etc. Learn more about the signature of this Memorandum of Understanding.

This cooperation was initiated as part of the Villa Albertine’s City/Cité Atlanta x Marseille program.

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