Seven French Podcasters Selected for Sounds of New York

By Villa Albertine
Participants will attend a week-long learning expedition to NYC, the Podcasting Capital, as part of this new professional program from Villa Albertine.
Villa Albertine today announced the seven selected podcasters for Sounds of New York, a program that aims to support the development of French podcasts with high international potential. The laureates will be able to immerse themselves at the heart of the American podcast factory, meeting with a vibrant community of media, studios and independent creators.
This first-of-its-kind program from Villa Albertine is supported by Spotify, Radio France, the Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques (SACD), the Institut national de l’audiovisuel (INA), and Paradiso Media.
The program will take place in New York City from May 8 to 15, 2022. During this week, participants will attend a program of masterclasses, visits, and meetings with key players in the New York industry.
The seven participants in the inaugural season of Sounds of New York are:
Camille Juzeau, author and director of documentaries for radio and podcast. She has collaborated with France Inter, (La Tête au carré and Le temps d’un bivouac), France Culture (A voix nue, Toute une vie, Les pieds sur terre), Arte Radio and Paradiso, institutions such as the City of Paris. She is the creator of the successful podcast Les Baladeurs (The Others) and of a monthly documentary series L’Insomniaque on Arte Radio.
Claire Jéhanno, author, creator of PILE, a literary podcast of more than 60 episodes. She has developed a series of youth podcasts such as Les courriers de Mlle Ursule, and is working on an audio series for teenagers. With her podcast F, chronique d’un féminisme ordinaire, Claire Jéhanno was one of the six laureates of the INALAB 2019 call for projects.
Iris Ouedraogo, journalist and director of podcasts, including Travail de bleu, giving young people a voice on Spotify. She also created and produced the podcast for the CheckNews service at Libération, and collaborates on Brut. media’s podcast.
Axelle Jah Njiké, Afropean author, podcaster and feminist activist, she conceives and develops editorial content dedicated to the diversity of women’s voices in the urban public space. She is the creator and producer of the podcast Me my sexe and I, as well as the author of the audio series La fille sur le canapé.
Emmanuel Suarez, author and actor who devotes himself to radio fiction and podcast, notably with La Division, produced by France Culture in 2020, and L’Incroyable expédition de Corentin Tréguier au Congo, laureate of the Fonds Podcasts Originaux SACD / France Culture. He received the Prix SACD Radio 2021.
Thibaud Delavigne, author and founder of l’Officine, podcasts production studio. He produced, amongst others, Le rapport Brazza – Un secret de famille, un scandale d’Etat, a five episodes fiction-documentary co-produced by Spotify.
Aladine Zaiane, author and director of documentaries who describes himself as “a story hunter”, he joined the editorial team of the France Culture program Les Pieds sur Terre and collaborated on the podcast Défense de filmer by Brut, co-produced by Spotify.
The participants were selected by a jury of French podcasting professionals: Claire Hazan (Spotify), Erwan Gaucher (Radio France), Sophie Bocquillon (SACD), Antoine Bayet (INA) and Lorenzo Benedetti (Paradiso Media).
In partnership with

FACE Foundation
FACE Foundation is an American nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting French-American relations through innovative cultural and educational projects. In partnership with the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States, FACE Foundation promotes artistic, literary, and educational exchange and collaboration between creative professionals from both countries. With additional corporate, foundation, and individual support, FACE Foundation administers grant programs in the performing and visual arts, cinema, translation, and secondary and higher education, while providing financial sponsorship to French-American festivals and other cultural initiatives. FACE Foundation focuses on new and recent work of living artists and the promotion of bilingualism and the French language.
Seven French Podcasters Selected for Sounds of New York

Radio France
Radio France, France’s leading radio group has started writing its story with podcasting since 2005: a company designed around and for audio in tune with the times and in tune with users. Radio France has been a pioneer in podcasting and is now the leading producer of podcasts in France. In 2022, its podcasts reached an unprecedented number of listenings, exceeding the one billion mark – a number twice as high as in 2017 -. Its abundant catalogue of over 1.5 million podcasts, available free of charge on its mobile application, is both the digital continuity of its radio stations and a space of great freedom, creativity and innovation in sound. The development of podcasts thus constitutes an additional space for the emergence of new talents, which Radio France has been supporting for several years: artists, authors, musicians and actors who are participating in the renewal of the audio formats and sound writings that will shape the radio of tomorrow.

Society of Dramatic Authors and Composers (SACD)
The SACD is the oldest authors’ society in the world. Founded by Beaumarchais in 1777, the society is owned by its author members. It represents more than 60,000 authors in the cinema, audiovisual, digital creation, podcast and performing arts sectors. The SACD manages and defends their rights collectively, provides them with numerous services, offers them workspaces, advises them in their access to their social rights or matters related to their author status… SACD also supports contemporary creation and the distribution of works, thanks to the “private copy remuneration” system.

Institut National de l’Audiovisuel (INA)
The Institut National de l’Audiovisuel – INA, a model unique in the world, is a media rich of 80 years of TV, radio and web Heritage. With more than a billion videos viewed every year, it archives, preserves, digitizes and gives access to all audiences one of the richest audiovisual libraries. INA produces and distributes original works, provides content to journalists, directors and experts, trains student and professional communities, develops an ambitious research and innovation activity. In a context of change, the Institute participates in the reinvention of the audiovisual and digital ecosystem by deploying expertise that makes it a distinctive medium, anchored in long time and memory, concerned to transmit knowledge and know-how of which it is the depositary.
Seven French Podcasters Selected for Sounds of New York