French-American Book Market – June 28-29, 2023
On June 28 and 29, 2023 40+ French publishers will come to New York City to present their best fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels, and children’s titles, and discuss best practices with their American counterparts.
Detailed program
Wednesday, June 28:
9AM – 9.30AM: Welcome breakfast
9.30AM – 10.45AM: The audio book in France and the United States: evolution, subscription formulas and AI issues
11AM – 12.15PM: Cross-cultural perspectives on the French and American Book Markets
1.30PM – 6PM: 1-on-1 meetings between American publishers and French publishing rights managers
Thursday, June 29:
9AM – 5PM: 1-on-1 meetings between American publishers and French publishing rights managers
5PM – 7PM: Cocktail reception
Select French Publishers Features:
- Abc Melody
- Actes Sud
- Albin Michel
- Albin Michel Jeunesse
- Amaterra
- Les Arènes
- Aux Forges de Vulcain
- Bayard
- Çà et Là
- La Cabane bleue
- Casterman
- CNRS Éditions
- Mediatoon Foreign Rights (Dargaud, Dupuis, Le Lombard, Little Urban, Petit à Petit, La Gouttière…)
- Delcourt (Groupe Delcourt) ; Soleil (Groupe Delcourt)
- L’école des loisirs ; Rue de Sèvres
- Emmanuelle Collas
- Eyrolles
- Fayard
- Flammarion
- Flammarion Jeunesse
- Gallimard
- Gallimard Jeunesse
- Grasset
- Hannele Legras (Courtes et Longues, Les Fourmis Rouges, Marcel et Joachim, MeMo, Okidokid, Rue du monde)
- Hélium
- Humensis
- JC Lattès
- Max Milo Éditions
- Nathan
- Nouveau Monde
- Odile Jacob
- Plume Blanche
- Robert
- Sarbacane
- Seuil
- Univers Poche
Please RSVP to by May 16, 2023.
This event is made possible thanks to the support of the French Consulate and the Institut Français.