French-American Book Market – June 28-29, 2023
Books & Ideas

Nick Fewings
Villa Albertine and BIEF (the French International Book Office), with the participation of The French Publishers’ Agency, are proud to present their very first French-American Book Market in New York, a two-day series of professional exchanges bringing together French and American publishers.
On June 28 and 29, 2023 40+ French publishers will come to New York City to present their best fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels, and children’s titles, and discuss best practices with their American counterparts.
Detailed program
Wednesday, June 28:
9AM – 9.30AM: Welcome breakfast
9.30AM – 10.45AM: The audio book in France and the United States: evolution, subscription formulas and AI issues
11AM – 12.15PM: Cross-cultural perspectives on the French and American Book Markets
1.30PM – 6PM: 1-on-1 meetings between American publishers and French publishing rights managers
Thursday, June 29:
9AM – 5PM: 1-on-1 meetings between American publishers and French publishing rights managers
5PM – 7PM: Cocktail reception
Select French Publishers Features:
- Abc Melody
- Actes Sud
- Albin Michel
- Albin Michel Jeunesse
- Amaterra
- Les Arènes
- Aux Forges de Vulcain
- Bayard
- Çà et Là
- La Cabane bleue
- Casterman
- CNRS Éditions
- Mediatoon Foreign Rights (Dargaud, Dupuis, Le Lombard, Little Urban, Petit à Petit, La Gouttière…)
- Delcourt (Groupe Delcourt) ; Soleil (Groupe Delcourt)
- L’école des loisirs ; Rue de Sèvres
- Emmanuelle Collas
- Eyrolles
- Fayard
- Flammarion
- Flammarion Jeunesse
- Gallimard
- Gallimard Jeunesse
- Grasset
- Hannele Legras (Courtes et Longues, Les Fourmis Rouges, Marcel et Joachim, MeMo, Okidokid, Rue du monde)
- Hélium
- Humensis
- JC Lattès
- Max Milo Éditions
- Nathan
- Nouveau Monde
- Odile Jacob
- Plume Blanche
- Robert
- Sarbacane
- Seuil
- Univers Poche
Please RSVP to books@villa-albertine.org by May 16, 2023.
This event is made possible thanks to the support of the French Consulate and the Institut Français.
In partnership with

Bureau International de l’Edition Française (BIEF)
Le Bureau International de l’Edition Française (BIEF) works to assist French publishers with international development: assisting with the creation of “French” stands at book fairs, organization of professional meetings in France and abroad, in person or on-line, catalog editing, baseline studies on world markets… Its subsidiary French Publishers’ Agency in New York offers English-language rights serves.