Boulevard des Séries – The Factory

Villa Albertine, the CNC (the French National Center of Cinema), the Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques (Society of Dramatic Authors and Composers, SACD), and the Writers Guild Foundation launched in the Fall of 2021 Boulard des Series – The Factory, an incubator for French TV series in Los Angeles, the epicenter of film and TV in the United States. The goal of this new program is to support writers’ international careers as they develop TV projects with high potential for international adaptation and distribution.
The program takes place over a period of three weeks. Tailored to each writer and conducted in English, the program will offer participants guidance from well-known screenwriters and showrunners, script specialists, public speaking coaches, agents, and other production, distribution, and regulation professionals. Each participants writer will be paired with a Hollywood mentor with whom they will work one-on-one to develop their project. Group visits to studios and production companies, as well as opportunities for networking, are also on the agenda.
Boulevard des Séries offers its participants the necessary tools to deliver a pilot script that is on par with international standards and demonstrates a strong artistic vision and direction. By the end of the program, the projects will be ready to be presented to potential American partners such as producers, TV studios, and distributors.
Following a call for submissions, a selection committee – which includes both French and American writers and professionals of cinematographic industry – gather to review all the applications and select the projects for the program.
Learn more about the 2021 Boulevard des Séries participants
Contact: Lucie Carette, Head of Film & TV and Director of Villa Albertine Los Angeles
In partnership with

Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée (CNC)
Created in 1946, the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée (CNC) is a public administrative organization, set up as a separate and financially independent entity which comes under the authority of the French ministry of culture and communication. Its principal missions are : support for the film, broadcast, video, video games, immersive productions and technical industries; promotion of film and television for distribution to all audiences and preservation and development of the film heritage.

Society of Dramatic Authors and Composers (SACD)
The SACD is the oldest authors’ society in the world. Founded by Beaumarchais in 1777, the society is owned by its author members. It represents more than 60,000 authors in the cinema, audiovisual, digital creation, podcast and performing arts sectors. The SACD manages and defends their rights collectively, provides them with numerous services, offers them workspaces, advises them in their access to their social rights or matters related to their author status… SACD also supports contemporary creation and the distribution of works, thanks to the “private copy remuneration” system.

The Writers Guild Foundation
Since 1966, the Writers Guild Foundation has been the premier Hollywood resource for emerging writers and entertainment lovers. A 501 nonprofit organization, the Foundation’s mission is to preserve and promote the history and craft of writing for the screen. WGF supports the community through various programs, including their Veterans Writing Project, their Volunteer and Mentorship Programs, their Archive, and the Shavelson-Webb Library – the world’s only library devoted entirely to writing for the screen.