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Villa Albertine Museum Series: 24 Women Rethink the Future of Museums

Gender parity remains a major concern for cultural institutions, despite the recent naming of numerous women to positions of leadership in major museums in France and the United States. In support of this important goal, Villa Albertine will turn the floor over to women museum leaders throughout 2023.

Organized in partnership with the Center for Curatorial Leadership, whose training program has helped American curators develop as museum leaders since 2007, the monthly Museum Series brings together many of the most prominent women museum leaders in France and the United States for substantive, in-depth conversations about the challenges and opportunities facing museums today. 

Each conversation will take place live in English at Villa Albertine’s Fifth Avenue Headquarters, and will be streamed live on Villa Albertine’s Youtube Channel

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The Villa Albertine Museum Series Spring Dialogues are made possible thanks to the generous support of Cartier and the Friends of Villa Albertine, notably Béatrice Stern, Sana Sabbagh and Denise Littlefield Sobel.

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