Seven projects selected for the 3rd edition of ‘ The Factory Boulevard des Series’ program in Los Angeles

Villa Albertine, the SACD (Société des auteurs et compositeurs dramatiques), the CNC (Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée) and the Writers Guild Foundation announce the projects selected for the third season of The Factory Boulevard des Séries, that will take place in Los Angeles from February 5 to 23, 2024. Once again this year, a Quebec screenwriter will take part in the program, thanks to the support of SODEC (Société de développement des entreprises culturelles). Since the first edition of The Factory Boulevard des Séries, 13 screenwriters have benefited from the program in Los Angeles.
The call for application, open from February to April 2023, resulted in 37 submissions. The international jury, made up of showrunner Larry Andries, screenwriters Sullivan Le Postec and Eurydice Da Silva (both program alumni), producers Jacobo Aparicio (Anonymous Content) and Arnaud Figaret, Gaumont Télévision France president Isabelle Degeorges, and Quebec film consultant Marie-Sylvie Lefebvre, studied all the applications and selected 7 projects for the Los Angeles residency program :
- Sphere by Louis Aubert (France)
- Looking For Me by Anne Cissé (France)
- The Nameless Men / les Hommes sans nom, by Stéphane Carrié (France)
- The Santa Cruz Specials / les Spéciaux de Santa Cruz by Pierre-Gilles Stehr (France)
- Wolves / les Meutes by Marine Flores-Ruimi (France)
- Little Death / les Petites morts by Audrey Béland (Québec)
- Sinners and Sisters / Pécheresses by Charlotte Sanson (France)
In addition to considering the international potential of the project, jury members paid particular attention to the project’s artistic value, the originality of the concept compared to series already on the market, the adaptability of the project to international market demands, the universal social value of the proposal, as well as the writer’s experience.
Among the seven pilot projects in development for the Los Angeles program are a compelling thriller about a mysterious wolf attack; a female, POC-centered dramedy exploring race, tackling questions of gender and identity; a coming-of-age story set in a Catholic boarding school ; a dive into a secretive French military legion; an investigation by Santa Cruz high-school students into a strange disappearance; an irreverent comedy mixing break-up and time travel; and a riveting supernatural thriller set in a polar station…
The Factory defines itself as a place of learning for experienced French and Québec writers to sharpen their skills and know-how for their projects with high international-development potential. The creators of the seven selected projects will be in Los Angeles from February 5th to 23rd, 2024. They will be personally accompanied in English by established script specialists, agents, TV executives, and will have the opportunity to exchange with their Hollywoodian counterparts.
Contacts :
Villa Albertine – Aude Hesbert, Audiovisual attachée and director of the Villa Albertine à Los Angeles
SACD – Chloé Rayneau, Press manager
CNC – Vivien Plagnol, Press relations manager
Writers Guild Foundation – Katie Buckland, Executive director