Outre-Ronde / Beyond-Round

© deletere.org
Outre-Ronde / Beyond-Round proposes an interactive experience with a counter-intuitive, even deceptive logic, where interaction with the moving image (as opposed to playful or spectacular pieces) functions on slowness and the use of the peripheral field with the aim of awakening or educating vision. Here, the image has the power to dodge the viewer’s gaze, depending on how quickly it rotates to be seen, when it appears, playfully, at the edge of the viewer’s field of vision. In a way, looking too fast makes the object of desire disappear or ‘destroy’ it. Slowing down, staying still, conversely allows the (tamed?) image to come to us, leading to a non-verbal dialogue, potentially very colorful, between human and non-human.
The image, though poor, embryonic, abstract, a kind of colorless luminous blob, by the richness of its behavior, embodied, never mechanical, draws the spectator into a round of approach, of restrained seduction, of interacting and reciprocal temporalities. Participants realize that the way they move engages them in a constant dialogue with their environment, whatever it may be. In this laboratory of perception, rich in experiences that can be transposed to human relationships, interaction broadens awareness and becomes initiatory.
The Directors
Anne-Sarah Le Meur first studied mathematiques, and, from 1988, 3D computer image at ATI/Paris 8. Her approach is influenced, 1° by painting, experimental cinema, perception and gaze pleasure, 2° by programming langage at an elementary level (she codes herself her images), 3° by her desire to question conventions. Her works can be shown on screen, as video projection, with generative or recorded image, as video performance, and prints. She has also realised an interactive cylindrical piece.
Represented by Galerie Charlot, she has notably shown her work at ZKM_Karlsruhe (DE), Cyfest (RUS), CWB (Paris), CEAAC (Strasbourg), Vidéoformes (Clermont-Ferrand), MUnA (BR), Madatac (SP)… Assistant Professor in Paris 1 Panthon-Sorbonne since 2000, she is a regular contributor to conferences and collective books on 3D images or media arts.
General Informations
Directors : Anne-Sarah Le Meur
Production Company : Anne-Sarah Le Meur (France)
Coproduction Company : Le Cube, Issy-les-Moulineaux/Garges (France)
Year of creation : 2012
No Minimum Age
Technical Informations
Format : Interactive cylindrical installation, generative 3D image, sensor, silent
Duration : Infinite duration (3 to 10 min minimum to get a first view of the 4 different phases)
Number of participants per session : Only one participant at a time, but 15 other people can sit and watch.
Minimum space : 5x5m wide, 3m high
Anne-Sarah Le Meur : aslemeur@univ-paris1.fr