DixVerts / TenGreens

© Anne-Sarah Le Meur
4 projections show intense colored backgrounds, 3 greens and 1 pink, with regularly changing tons, even sometimes permutating, on which a quasi-rectangular centered shape oscillates. In this one, everything moves quietly : disks, ovals or figure-eights grow, shrink, sway, merge or separate, while colors vary progressively, with similarities, gaps or contrasts from one panel to the next. Dualities dialogue : flatness and depth, light and darkness, sharpness and blur, rondness and cutting… Sometimes a vertical stripe crosses the plane – the inexorable passage of time ? Sometimes, rapid swirls shake the surface, and fragment the halos. Through these transitory phenomena, an inner musicality emerges. Surprised, fascinated but attentive, the viewer refines their gaze, and, in this suspended time, tastes ‘pure’ vision.
Underneath, invisible but fondamental, a programme is activated. A sum of numbers, loops, conditions and multiples functions subtly arranged, where chance remains infimitesimal, generating and controlling constantly renewed variations of these moving tableaux.
The Directors
Anne-Sarah Le Meur first studied mathematiques, and, from 1988, 3D computer image at ATI/Paris 8. Her approach is influenced, 1° by painting, experimental cinema, perception and gaze pleasure, 2° by programming langage at an elementary level (she codes herself her images), 3° by her desire to question conventions. Her works can be shown on screen, as video projection, with generative or recorded image, as video performance, and prints. She has also realised an interactive cylindrical piece. Represented by Galerie Charlot, she has notably shown her work at ZKM_Karlsruhe (DE), Cyfest (RUS), CWB (Paris), CEAAC (Strasbourg), Vidéoformes (Clermont-Ferrand), MUnA (BR), Madatac (SP)… Assistant Professor in Paris 1 Panthon-Sorbonne since 2000, she is a regular contributor to conferences and collective books on 3D images or media arts.
General Informations
Directors : Anne-Sarah Le Meur
Production Company : Vidéoformes (France )
Year of creation : 2023
No Minimum Age
Technical Informations
Format : Generative 3D image, 4 video projections, 4:3
Duration : Infinite duration (with a 20 minute elementary cycle vary)
Number of participants per session : Up to 20 at the same time in front of the screen
Equipment required : a dark and silent big room (17 m long) – other scenography may be possible, to discuss (for example displayed on a corner) / a place / a furniture to hide/secure the computer / 4 identical DLP video projectors – to buy approximatly : 4 x 800 E = 3200 E – Black velvet to put on the wall beneath the images (20 E one meter) : 4 x 4 x 20 = 320 E / Load-Bearing structure : not communicated (or use very short focal DLP projecteurs) / HDMI cables, extentions / Sofa or a few seats
Minimum Space : 4×3
Anne-Sarah Le Meur : aslemeur@univ-paris1.fr