Teacher Trainings – Dual Language Immersion Programs

Teacher Trainings – Dual Language Immersion Programs

Aiding French dual language and immersion teachers to improve classroom experiences and discover new trends in the field.

Summer Scholarship Opportunities

Each year, Villa Albertine, the French Institute for Culture and Education, selects teachers from across the US to attend short summer training sessions in France. Along with the Société des Professeurs Français et Francophones d’Amérique (SPFFA) 25 instructors of French as a foreign language (FLE) and five dual language and immersion teachers were selected in 2019 and sponsored to attend trainings in Vichy and Besancon.

The Dual Language Immersion Summer Institute

Since 2019, the Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Summer Institute has provided K-8 French dual language teachers and stakeholders with key training in curriculum development, classroom management and the use of resources specific to French DLI.  

Responding to the need for more qualified DLI immersion teachers, these five-day workshops empower new educators, present valuable resources to experienced professionals, and support the development of DLI programs beyond the K-6 levels.  

For more information regarding DLI teacher trainings, click here.