Scholarships for Graduate Students

Scholarships for Graduate Students

Supporting high-potential graduate students pursuing degrees and research opportunities in France

Villa Albertine, the French Institute for Culture and Education, offers financial support to high-potential graduate students pursuing degrees and research opportunities in France, notably through the Graduate Scholars in France program and the Chateaubriand Fellowship.

Graduate Scholars in France

The Graduate Scholars in France program provides full-tuition scholarships to students pursuing Master’s degrees at French higher education institutions.   

Scholarships are awarded based on financial need and reserved for students accepted into eligible Master’s programs and universities under the authority of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation (MESRI).

In addition to full tuition waivers, the program offers health insurance coverage, access to finding French housing, cultural activities, the opportunity to network with French government scholars, and administrative support from Campus France Paris.  

For more information about this program, click here.  

Chateaubriand Fellowship

The Chateaubriand Fellowship enables PhD students from US institutions to conduct critical research in France and collaborate and exchange with French peers.  

Since 1981 the Chateaubriand Fellowship has supported hundreds of outstanding student researchers across academic disciplines with grants ranging from $6,000 to $14,000. Through the fellowship, PhD students gain the opportunity to engage in dissertation research in France and to broaden their network and skills alongside French researchers.  

Chateaubriand fellows are selected annually through a merit-based application process, evaluated by experts in France and in the US. Fellowships typically run for 4 to 9 months. 

The Fellowship is divided into two subprograms: Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS), and Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Health (STEM).

To learn more and apply for a Chateaubriand Fellowship, click here.

To find out about other grants, scholarships and fellowships, click here.