Current Assistants

Current Assistants

Congratulations on being selected to participate in the Teaching Assistant Program in France! Please follow the links below to find more information and useful websites for the program, including general program-related sites, information about all necessary "démarches administratives."

Be sure to also consult the 2023-2024 American Assistant Handbook for lots of useful information and guidance about this year’s program, as well as the overarching program guide, Le guide de l’assistant de langue en France, France Éducation International’s handbook for all assistants de langue. The information in these two guides will prove invaluable to you during your time as a teaching assistant, so please read them both carefully and refer to them frequently!
The teaching contract officially begins on October 1st and ends on April 30th. Most assistants arrive in France in mid- to late September in order to have some time to get settled in their area before beginning their assignment.


Current language assistants interested in pursuing a contract renewal must do so through France Éducation International. Applications submitted on by current assistants WILL NOT be considered. Renewal is contingent upon a positive review from the host institution, whether or not the assistant wishes to remain at his or her host institution or be transferred to another school or Académie, amongst other factors. Assistants may be recruited for a maximum of three contract cycles. Please visit the “votre candidature” section of France Éducation international’s website for more information.