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Olga: A Tale of Ukrainian Athletics and Resilience



La Maison Française
4101 Reservoir Rd. NW
Washington , US 20007

April 11, 2023 | 7pm


While in exile in Switzerland, a 15-year-old Ukrainian gymnast prepares for the European Gymnastics Championships when Euromaidan protests begin in Kyiv.

In preparation for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, the Embassy of France and the Maison Française are organizing a series of film screenings related to athletics. The series will begin with Olga, the first feature film of French director Elie Grappe. This film presents the story of a teenage Ukrainian gymnast living in exile in Switzerland. While she prepares for the European Championships, the Ukrainian people rise up in what becomes known as the Maidan Revolution, which suddenly sucks in all those she holds dear back home.

The photographic exhibit, displayed as part of the Spring 2023 Sports Series, will be available for attendees to view. 

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