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Jean-Marc Bullet

Artist, Designer
April 1st–June 1st, 2024

  • Craft & Design
  • New York

“I want to know how Afrodescendant designers use their creations to share their history, culture, and concerns with American society.”

I am an artist and designer living and working in Martinique, where I studied art, followed by landscaping at the Haute École des Arts du Rhin, in Strasbourg, and then industrial design at ENSCI – les Ateliers, in Paris. After completing my studies, I decided to combine my interests in gardening and in the promotion of local expertise. I design objects that fully reflect the essence of their given territories. My latest project, an open-air exhibition entitled Presqu’une île, invites the public to discover a mangrove through a multisensory experience punctuated by what I call “sense capsules.” For several years now, I have drawn from this creative approach rooted in geography and humankind’s ties to nature to question how my Afro-Caribbean identity informs my craft.

Jean-Marc Bullet is an artist and designer. In 2012, he presented his project, Design in a Rhizomic Environment, during the European Heritage Days. In 2017, in Yunfu, China, he was appointed artistic director at a company specializing in marble furniture. The following year, he was awarded a German Design Award for his NESTOT urban composter project. For Design Week 2019, he presented a production that resulted from an artist’s residency in Hangzhou. He is also the laureate of the 2021 Mondes Nouveaux program and the 2023 Abu Dhabi Bio Design residency. His residency at Villa Albertine gave him an insight into other design practices, prompted me to question my own approach and opened the door to possible collaborations.

The aim of my residency was to bring together Afro-American and Afro-Caribbean designers. Most of these encounters took place through Wanted Design, which is well established in the New York design scene. These dialogues will serve as raw material for the production of a series of podcasts on the links between cultural heritage, personal history and design practice.

I chose New York City for its cultural and social dynamism. It’s a place that has contributed to the cultural emancipation of black Americans. It is home to a large Afro-Caribbean diaspora. During my stay, and particularly at the annual ICFF (International Contemporary Furniture Fair) where I was able to present my work, I met designers of Haitian origin living in Canada, and Nigerian origin living in New York. These people enriched my interviews. The project took me to Chicago, where I took part in a symposium organized by Afro-American designers entitled “Design and Dignity”. On this occasion, I met two designers whom I was able to interview online afterwards.

In partnership with

Fondation Bettencourt Schueller

La Fondation Bettencourt Schueller s’applique à incarner la volonté d’une famille, animée par l’esprit d’entreprendre et la conscience de son rôle social, de révéler les talents et de les aider à aller plus loin, dans trois domaines qui contribuent concrètement au bien commun : les sciences de la vie, les arts et la solidarité. À la fois fondation familiale et reconnue d’utilité publique depuis sa création, en 1987, la Fondation Bettencourt Schueller entend « donner des ailes aux talents » pour contribuer à la réussite et à l’influence de la France. Pour cela, elle recherche, choisit, soutient, accompagne et valorise des femmes et des hommes qui imaginent aujourd’hui le monde de demain, dans trois domaines qui contribuent concrètement au bien commun : les sciences de la vie, les arts et la solidarité. 

En savoir plus


Créée en 2011, WantedDesign est une plateforme dédiée à la promotion du design et à l’encouragement de la communauté créative aux Etats-Unis et à l’internationale, à travers l’organisation d’évènements, de discussions et de partenariats. Elle organise chaque année le salon WantedDesign Manhattan, au cœur de la New York Design Week aux côtés de la foire ICFF.   WantedDesign est accueilli depuis 2014 par Industry City. Ils se sont associés pour lancer un nouveau programme de résidences de design au cœur de ce qui est devenu le hub de design le plus créatif, dynamique et diversifié de New York.  Avec les conseils de l’équipe de WantedDesign et la création d’un espace de travail sur le campus d’Industry City, le programme de résidences internationales Industry City + WantedDesign offre aux résidents internationaux une chance de s’immerger dans cette communauté créative pour construire leur réseau, s’inspirer de la ville de New York, et nourrir et préparer de nouveaux projets.   

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