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Global South Feminist Solidarities and the Meaning of Anti-Colonial



Holsti-Anderson Family Room 153, Rubenstein Library at Duke University
411 Chapel Drive
Durham, NC, 27705

April 2, 2024 | 3:30-5:30pm


Join the Center for French and Francophone Studies at Duke University and Villa Albertine for a talk with Senegalese writer and lecturer Rama Salla Dieng.

Dieng will be in conversation with Unglid Paul, PhD Student in Romance Studies at Duke University, as part of the Contemporary Feminisms in French Lecture Series and organized in collaboration with the Global South Feminisms Seminar.

This will be a hybrid event presented in English. The lecture will be held in person in the Holsti-Anderson Family Assembly Room (Rubenstein Library) and online on Zoom.

Rama Salla Dieng (Senegal) is a writer and a lecturer at the University of Edinburgh and the University of Cape Town. Her work focuses largely on African feminisms, as well as land, labor, and agriculture. Dieng co-edited a special edition of the African Development journal, and she currently co-convenes the Land, Labour and the Politics of Development Study Group through the Development Studies Association. Dieng also founded and directs the African feminist film festival CINEFEMFEST.

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